OYM Day 15: Things that feel good to me
New socks
Evening bike rides
The walk to the bathroom in the morning when you’re camping
The first laugh of the day
Someone rubbing my head, arm, back, anything
Washing the conditioner out of my hair
Warm beach towels
Ambrosia salad
Moving from the chair to my bed when I’ve fallen asleep during a movie
The taste of lime on the rim of a beer
Ocean waves pummeling me
Fresh gossip
A long drive and a whole album
Kisses from my daughter
The desert
Sticking your head in a pillowcase of Halloween candy and breathing in
Going downstairs when everyone is upstairs and asleep
Walking into my moms house during the holidays
Ticking ceiling fans
A hint of trouble
Gas stations and all of their wares
Jumping off of a boat
Running at night
The smell of fireworks