OYM Day 36: The Feel of Happy
Taking a quick break from my fiction piece for an update of sorts. I’m currently on vacation with a few family members and have been so busy today, chasing Viv in the waves and taking photos and refilling glasses of wine. It was wonderful. I love California country. I honestly think I belong here. Maybe not this town specifically, but the way the buildings look and the quaintness of it really lines up with my idea of what happiness looks like. And I can feel it here, too.
I think Daniel just called hitch hiking, “bitch-hiking” on accident. He also just asked where he could get a gallon of cowboy hat, instead of a gallon cowboy hat. I think there’s a good chance he’s had too much wine. He is currently holding 2 glasses and cheers’ed himself.
“Who wants some pie?”
This day keeps getting better.
Speaking of better, I’ll be better tomorrow and write more then.